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Saturday, January 26

Balesio FILEminimizer Suite 7.0 Free Serial No

Balesio FILEminimizer Suite 7 Free License CodeWe always need to compress digital photos and Microsoft Office documents to share them or just to save some extra hard disk space. Often we end up with losing the quality of the files.Balesio FileMinimizer Suite (current version 7.0) is lot different from other compression tools. It compresses the files but there is no archive or unarchive  like you need in all other zipping software

Balesio FILEminimizer Suite 7.0 may be your choice. This simple-to-use software lets you optimize the size of your Office files (97-2010), PDF documents as well as your JPG, TIF, BMP, GIF, EMF and PNG image files without changing the native file format (no need to create .zip archives). The optimization is visually lossless preserving the original visual quality of a file at all times. Typically, it can compress and reduce photo sizes by up to 98% while maintain the picture quality as best as it can, and shrink Office files by at least 25 percent, with no quality loss.

Promo:-Balesio FILEminimizer Suite 7.0 is normally priced at € 78.00 per serial number / registration code. But as part of the promo offer by, you can now download a full version copy with serial number for free.
Open the following webpage into your browser and fill a simple form asking your name and email. There is no need to write any company info as most probably, you are home user (Herr: Male, Frau: Female). Finally press red button Lizenz Anfrodern.

Promo Page:

Soon You will get Your License Key In Your Inbox
 you have to activate the license within three days or it will stop working. Once you have activated the license, you can use Balesio FileMinimizer Suite 7 on one computer as long as you want 
Download From     Here 

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