Glary Utilities Pro is overall system optimizer that provides registry cleaner, disk cleaner, memory optimizer, startup manager, tracks eraser, file undelete, file encrypter and many other practical tools. Its outstanding registry tool is the safest and most efficient one in the market to clean registry and fix registry errors. It does disk cleanup quickly to free up more space by removing invalid registry entries, temporary files, Internet traces. Glary Utilities Pro can easily delete browser add-ons to accelerate Internet speed, analyze disk space usage and find out duplicate files for better file management. Its uninstaller and startup manager lets you intuitively view the installed programs and running processes. File encryption is also supported by this system utility and it can stop your files from unauthorized access. To improve working efficiency, Glary Utilities Pro can split large files into smaller manageable parts and then rejoin them, so as to make it easy to transfer large files by email or on-line communication tools. Furthermore, Glary Utilities Pro includes the options to manage auto-start applications at Windows boot and uninstall software complete in batch without leaving any remnants to burden your system. Other features include file shredder which makes deleted files unrecoverable by malicious person or virus.
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