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Saturday, January 19

Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus Plus Serial No works on Latest Version

Titanium Internet SecurityThe new Titanium 2013 look pleasantly and effectively reflects Trend Micro's new features strategy, putting the suite's myriad tools in sensible locations.
No doubt a large part of what drove the interface redo was Windows 8. After the past few years of vertically oriented controls, this year switches to a horizontal focus and big, touch-friendly icons at the top. Check boxes in Settings have been made bigger, too, something that your humble reviewer and his fat fingers can appreciate.
The Overview tab is likely where you'll spend most of your time, with its quick link to scans and scanning options, program settings, and security reports. The main part of the window is taken up by a security summary, too, so you get your essentials at a glance. There's also a button in the bottom left, if you're one of those folks who loves to customize your security suite background.
After the landing page Overview tab, there's PC/Mobile for accessing security for the computer you're on, along with System Tuner and Rescue Disk if you're on the more expensive versions of Titanium, as well as security for your Androids and Macs.
The Privacy tab toggles the Facebook Privacy Scanner and Social Networking Protection, while the Data tab accesses Data Theft Prevention, your Trend Micro Vault, Secure Erase, the password manager DirectPass, and Trend Micro's SafeSync for cross-device, cloud-based synchronization. The Family tab accesses the parental controls and the Online Guardian, a social networking control panel for people with children. It's a good idea to split the regular social networking controls from the family-based ones, since the requirements for what you want out of a Facebook wall scanner for yourself are likely to be less restrictive than what you want for your kids.


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  • Download Trend Micro Antivirus Plus 2013
This promotion is for Trend Micro Antivirus Plus 2012, but the license provided by the promotion works with the latest 2013 edition
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